When I have the time the first thing I do is check all my team threads, chat with those that are on, check out treasuries that have been listed, the new items and read back what I missed. This is a regular routine to my day. I am always amazed at the talent I find here.
Today I am going to high light some of those finds!
From the Shop of the Day thread....StymiepieStudios's ...gorgeous caddy for a little girl:

From OhCanada Team.....TheBackyardBear...unique painting of a wolf:

The Etsy Angels Team....Beadedtail...she makes unique jewelry that she uses to help all kinds of different causes. She is featured in this gorgeous treasury with other great artists who are making people aware of other causes with their products too:
Here is an animal awareness braclet of hers:

Quiltsy Team....Quiltsewcover....neat cheque book cover:

The Fabulous ArtistMoms...FAM team...Valeriesgallery...amazing felted bowl:

and last but not least...WiseWittyWildGrandmother Team...WWWG..EnchantedQuilling...here work amazes me, check out her beautiful cards:

And after all that I must show of one of my own products...My hand quilted baby quilt...my passion is hand quilting:

That card is really cool! Nice finds!
Beautiful array of items Mona...some very talented Artists there!! :)
What a nice collection for your picks today!!!!
Beautiful selections!
Wonderful selections Mona! Of course I am partial to the Wolf painting :)
Thank you for including me among these beautiful items Mona! I'm honored! Your baby quilt is so pretty too!
Really pretty choices Mona! That handpainted wooden tote is adorable and I just love your pink quilt.
Mona, you have a dicerning eye!! Lovely items!!
Wow Mona you have selected a beautiful mix of items to keep your pretty quilt company! They are all gorgeous and thank you for adding my card that was a real surprise.
All the Etsy Teams have talented members. Wonderful job of showcasing these gorgeous works. Glad you included your beautiful quilt - it's so lovely.
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