I have been doing craftfairs and placing my items in shops on consignment for a number of years and I get calls from people looking for me to join their events. I recieved an email from a lady that was organizing a huge yardsale, craftfair and bake sale in their area and the money for tables and registeration was to go to their Mental Health Group Home. It was to span a huge area and most were just going to set up in their own yard but there was a community one for those out of the area.
For $15.00 plus $5.00 per table, I agreed to give it a try and over I went on Saturday morning!
I got there....no one was sure what was going on...not a good start but finally someone said you can go inside the arena or outside. Well as I have sewn items I opted for inside...proceeded to set up tables and arrange all my items....looked around ...not many people inside and it was cold...no ice but sure felt like it!
An hour later no one was in around...uh oh not good...so some of the vendors began roaming around and found no signs leading people inside ...so off to the $ Store on lady went...purchased some neon bristle board and made signs and placed them on building....well, that helped!
It was a good day...things picked up, met some very nice people and agreed that I would do again next year.
As I was a vendor ...did not get much chance to see what was around but when I finished loading up my crafts there were a number of people with larger displays that were taking their time to get down...I looked around...wow, some really nice items there......next year I am taking someone with me so I can sneak out and have a look at some more of the other vendors items.
Some were just your ordinary yardsale items but some had some cool crafts...I especially liked the work of one disabled artist.....He made a number of different feeders for our feathered friends....I purchased 2 for my dad for Father's Day and what a deal...$10.00 each!
Looking forward to next year and I will stay for the 2 days next time.......only did the one this year.....other plans for second day!
Sounds like it turned out to be a good day. Nice score on the feeders, Mona.
Next time remember to bring a light sweater!!!
Love the birdhouses :)
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